Thursday 27 June 2013

Oor die dood

Gister was 'n vreemde dag; een van die eerste boodskappe van die dag wat ek gelees het was dat my oupa oorlede is. Mens sou dink jy het 'n gevoel van hartseer en rou, tog was die gevoel meer verligting, ja daar was hartseer, maar die persoon wat my oupa was is eintlik vier jaar terug toe hy my mpumalanga fraikcare opgeneem is dood. Die liggaam wat gister tot sterwe gekom het kyk soos oupa, maar ek het meer as vier jaar laas herkenning of enige spark in daardie oë gesien.
Van wat ek in die mense in sy lewe gehoor het was hy 'n goeie man wat baie vir ander gedoen het, in die min woorde wat ons gedeel het, het ek baie wysheid gevind; tog was ons nooit naby mekaar gewees nie en het ons nie werklik die verhouding gehad wat ek van ander hoor oor hulle oupas. Ten spyte daarvan was ek lief vir hom en het hy 'n impak in my lewe gehad, my beeld van wat liefde is, is baie beïnvloed deur die meer as 50 jaar lange huwelik van my ouma en oupa gehad het, 'n verhouding waar liefde so mooi uitgebeeld was: veral in die laaste jare toe oupa sy geheue stelselmatig verloor het en ek steeds gesien het hoe hulle gesigte ophelder wanneer hulle na mekaar kyk.
So ek sit met gemengde gevoelens, ek is verlig die lyding is verby, maar ek is hartseer vir die man wat nie meer daar is nie en vir verhoudings wat nooit weer kan wees nie.

Monday 20 May 2013

on uncertainty

At times in life one is cast on unfamiliar shores,
Far away from home, where all lies shrouded in mist,
Where there is no future and no past,
Only the ever present now…
The question is how one deals with it,
Does one rush to what one once knew and hold with all your strength to what you had,
Does one embrace the change and adapt to it,
Flourish or perish the choice is in your hands

Wednesday 27 March 2013


Today in society we have a problem that while in was an issue in the past never reached the scope that it has achieved today.
The balance of what makes you happy and what pays the rent…
When we are in school we are told to think about what our talents and abilities are. Once one knows what you are good at look inside yourself and find out what makes you happy. The idea is to strike a balance between these two, what you are good at and what gives you a sense of accomplishment.
This seems perfect. The problem many of us don’t realise at the time is that what we are good at and what we love doing is not always something that people will pay you to do. This has lead a society where young people are stuck doing frustrating jobs to put food on the table while trying to find the time after and before work to do the things they love.
In many cases this has lead to people saving up and starting small independent businesses, while this might not be the answer for all of those out there who struggle with this problem for some it have brought relief.
For people like me who have a love of the written word but who do not have the time to develop their skills in writing the internet and blogs offer a release and a way of getting creative as well as criticism on what we write without having to pay through our ears for it…
If this trend continues it is possible that in parts of society we will have numerous small endeavours; be they businesses, blogs, art exhibitions, arts and craft markets, cooking classes or people doing more DIY around the home in order to get satisfaction, relief from the dreary day to day drudge work so many of us are subjected to.
We live in a time of hope and a time of creative solutions; do not be afraid to find a creative way to express yourself and to share your heart with others. For without these releases many of us would never know happiness.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

love thy neighbour

In the Bible we read one should love your neighbour as you love yourself.
My question is, isn’t that what we always do?
Can you truly love another if you do not love yourself?
Is your behaviour towards others not a reflection of what is inside of you?
If you show kindness towards others is it because you are a kind person or because you seek to gain advantage?
If you show disregard towards others is it because you do not hold yourself in good regard or because you are a cruel person?
I believe in both cases that both actions towards others are based on the way you feel about yourself…

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Sometimes you can't help...

Today a friend made me realise that sometime even though we would like to we can't help others if they don't want to be helped.
There will be times in life where the best you can do is to be there for that person.
The trick is not to blame yourself when you realise that nothing you say, nothing you do and nothing you think will change the mind of the person you want to help.
Do your best and know you tried.
Take care of yourself and carry on...